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About the Cathedral

Our Mission
We Are a People of Prayer and Action Extending God’s Love.
Our Vision
A World Transformed by Love.
Our Core Values
We Celebrate God
We are passionate about our historic and traditional worship and music and the ancient sacraments of baptism and communion. As followers of Jesus, our faith guides what we do together. Our love of God is visible through worship, music, preaching, teaching, contemplation, and the creative arts.
We Invite All
We invite others to experience God’s transforming love. As a people of invitation, we offer a spiritual home for all people. We are a non-judgmental, inclusive and welcoming community where all can find a place to belong.
We Connect Lives
We are a welcoming and caring spiritual home where everyone is valued and everyone is important. We are concerned for one another inside and outside our church home, and we care for one another.
We Nurture Faith
We value all generations. We provide a nurturing environment in which to explore one’s spirituality and grow in faith. We uplift and support our children, youth, and families, offering a space for all to engage in meaningful spiritual practices.
We Share Our Gifts
We believe what Scripture confirms: All that we have is a gift from God. As a people of prayer and action, we generously share our time, talent and financial resources to fulfill God’s vision.
We Serve the World
We are a compassionate community that engages in significant, tangible outreach to the greatest needs of our city, diocese and world. We serve as a gathering place in times of celebration and challenge. We respect the dignity of all and work for social justice and reconciliation.
What to Expect
We want you to be comfortable so you can worship God and enjoy your visit. Don't worry about trying to "do everything right." You can't go wrong if you try to follow what everybody else is doing. We also try to put everything you need to know right in the bulletin. If you need help, ask the person next to you. Don't feel you should do anything that makes you uncomfortable. You'll see we don't all do everything alike.
If you're wondering whether you may take communion, the answer is "yes, if you are baptized." This is God's own table where we partake of the blessing of God's love in Christ.
We suspect you might have some questions. Many of us had the same ones when we first arrived. Please don't hesitate to ask anyone.
Looking for more details on what worship is like in the Episcopal Church? Click here.
What to Expect
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