Confirmation & Reception
Thinking about joining the Episcopal Church?
If so, confirmation (or reception) is your next step. Confirmation and Reception is an important part of a lifetime journey of faith as followers of Jesus in the Episcopal Church.
Sundays at 10am
Beginning Sunday, March 23
We will be celebrating Confirmation and Reception on Sunday, May 4th. For those interested in being confirmed or receieved that day, or those considering joining the Episcopal Church, please sign up for our upcoming confirmation classes.
Confirmation and Reception: What's the difference?
What is Confirmation?
Confirmation is a significant step in which a baptized person makes a mature affirmation of faith by reaffirming their baptismal vows and receives increased gifting of the Holy Spirit through the prayer and laying on of hands by a bishop.
What Is Reception?
When a person joins the Episcopal Church from another denomination, the rite of Reception is a rite of welcome and membership. Reception recognizes a significant turning point in life and is marked by a new strengthening of the Spirit. A person is Received by reaffirming their baptismal vows and receives increased gifting of the Holy Spirit through the bishop’s prayer and laying on of hands.
Confirmation and Reception are a deepening and strengthening in the Christian life. In this, it is closely related to Baptism. Whereas Baptism highlights one’s birth into the body of Christ, Confirmation stresses growth. By prayer and the laying on of hands by a bishop, we receive a strengthening of the Holy Spirit that invites us to grow into more mature Christians continually (Eph. 4:13). Baptism is the beginning of the work that is strengthened in Confirmation and Reception.
Confirmation and Reception are also the sacraments of mission. The laying on of hands in Confirmation and Reception marks and empowers a person for undertaking the vocation to which all Christians are called though Baptism: to proclaim the gospel and live a life of holiness. Confirmation and Reception are a new beginning, a more profound sense of vocation. Confirmation and Reception mark us for a life of mission—in our homes, neighborhoods, and in the ordinary places of our lives. Mission is right here and begins right now.
If you would like to make a mature commitment to Christ, we offer confirmation by which we receive strength from the Holy Spirit through prayer and the laying on of hands by a bishop. If you have already been confirmed or made a mature affirmation of faith in another Christian denomination, we offer the rite of reception.
Welcome our most recent confirmands!

We want to celebrate and welcome our most recent confirmands! On Sunday, April 14, 2024, more than 20 adults and students were confirmed. Each week we are highlighting one person so that you can get to know them. Please introduce yourself to these folks and give them a warm welcome when you see them around the Cathedral! Follow us on social media, check our weekly email, or look in the Sunday Times each week to meet these new Cathedral members.
This week...
We welcome into the life of the Cathedral...
Interested in learning more about confirmation or reception? Contact Emery Buterbaugh at 859-254-4497 or