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Choristers at Chester Cathedral, England
Free time at Chester Cathedral
Cathedral Choir at Chester Cathedral, England
ATB Choir in Chester Cathedral, England
Handel's Messiah
Choir Camp 2023
Chorister Promotions
Holy Eucharist
Ceremony of Carols 2022
Cathedral Choir
Christmas Eve

The Cathedral Choir 
Chester Cathedral, July 7-17, 2023

​The Cathedral Choir, music staff, clergy, and chaperones were in residence at Chester Cathedral, July 7-17. The choir rehearsed, sang daily Evensong, prayed, visited sacred sites, and lead Sunday morning worship in a holy and ancient space. Thank you for your prayers during our time in England. Thank you to all, who through your generosity, have supported the choir and helped equip them for this journey!

Watch The Cathedral Choir at Chester Cathedral!

Find below links to all the livestream services with The Cathedral Choir.


For 50 years, Christ Church Cathedral has supported and sustained choirs trained in the English Cathedral tradition. Instruction for the choristers is based on the curriculum of the Royal School of Church Music (RSCM).


Children and youth deepen their sense of history, liturgy, language and art as well as their ability to interpret sacred texts and music. Through the ongoing effort of learning and working together, they also develop friendships and become part of a community that uplifts collective and individual efforts. The Cathedral choirs learn what it is to be at the heart of vibrant worship.

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