New Session Begins January 19 at 10am, Helm 302
Join us for a 6-week conversation in which we will meet new people, learn more about The Episcopal Church, and discover how to get more connected in the Cathedral community.

Cathedral 101 - 6 week Schedule
Week 1
What’s a Cathedral?
In this introductory session we will talk about the central features of The Episcopal Church and what makes it different from communities within other religions and Christian denominations. We will also explore the unique roles that cathedrals play within The Episcopal Church.
Week 2
What do Episcopalians believe?
Episcopalians believe a lot of different things. Instead of uniting around a specific system of belief, Episcopalians join one another in a life of prayer and action as we follow Jesus’s call to love God and neighbor. We will discuss the three primary ways Episcopalians think about our spiritual lives.
Week 3
How do Episcopalians worship?
In this session we will walk through a typical Episcopal worship service unpacking what we do and why we do it. We will also answer any questions you might have!
Week 4
What is the Book of Common Prayer?
The Book of Common Prayer guides Episcopalians as we pray as communities and as we pray as individuals. In this session we will talk about how the Book of Common Prayer came about and how we use it today to strengthen our prayer lives.
Week 5
What is prayer and what does it offer for your life?
Episcopalians define prayer as “responding to God, by thought and deeds, with or without words.” In other words, prayer encompasses all of our lives and all that we do. We will discuss a variety of practices that give intention and structure to our lives as prayerful creatures and help us more joyfully navigate our spiritual lives.
Week 6
How do Episcopalians support each other in community?
God does not intend for us to take our spiritual journeys alone. Joining the Cathedral community provides sacred space to love God and neighbor and to support and encourage us as we put our faith into action.